Adding and Removing Variants

Learn how to add and remove variants from your experiment

Sam Russo avatar
Written by Sam Russo
Updated over a week ago

Once you have your Artboard layout ready, it's time to navigate to Variant Mode to add the creative assets you want to test.

Navigate to Variant Mode

Click on Add Variants Tab on the top of the page to navigate to the variant mode. From Template Mode, you can also click the Add Variant green button on the top right to navigate to go to the variant mode

In the right panel, you can see all the layers marked as variant layers in the template mode show as variant groups. You are able to add variants into each variant group to test.

Add Variants

There are two ways of adding variants to an experiment:

  1. Drag and drop an asset onto a variant layer in the Artboard

  2. Click Add Variant inside a variant group in the right panel to create an empty variant slot. Drag and drop an asset into the variant slot.

*The variants you add must match the element type of the variant group.

Preview Variants in Design

Click through the variants within each variant group in the right panel to preview them in the template. It helps to check if all the variants look good in the design.

Delete Variants

Click the X on the variant list to remove it from the variant group.

Next Step

Once you're done adding the variants to your test, click Generate in the upper right hand corner to generate variants. That's when Marpipe's magic happens, and all of your versions are made!

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