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Campaign Status in Marpipe Intelligence
Pierce Porterfield avatar
Written by Pierce Porterfield
Updated over a week ago

The status in the campaign index row shows information about the current state of each campaign in your account.

Campaign Status

You can use the following tables to understand what each status means and see common statuses.


Marpipe has begun the launch process. We will create your campaign and begin uploading your ads to the platform soon.


Marpipe is uploading ads to the newly created campaign.


Facebook/Google or your selected platform is reviewing your ads.


The campaign is scheduled to begin running at a later start date.


The campaign is on and running as expected.


The campaign has been turned off because it is past its scheduled end date.


The campaign is currently inactive because you paused it. Pausing a campaign means that your ads don't show or accumulate new costs until resumed.


The campaign cannot run because there's a problem with the campaign, ad set, or ad that needs attention.


The ad can’t run because it doesn’t comply with the platform's advertising policies.


The campaign is manually marked as an archive within Marpipe.


You have manually deleted the campaign from the platform.


  • You can access Marpipe Intelligence once the live campaign starts spending. Please note the results might drastically change as Marpipe learns through the span of your campaign.

  • In case of errors, you can view errors, edit campaign details accordingly, and relaunch the campaign OR you can also retry launch using the button on the index row.

  • You can view the campaign name, campaign dates, status, total ads, campaign type, and spend/budget on the campaign index row.

  • You can also archive campaigns, pause campaigns, resume campaigns, view campaign details, and export data using the options menu on the campaign index row.

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