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Experiment Page Overview

A walkthrough of the Experiment Index page

Menghe Li avatar
Written by Menghe Li
Updated over a week ago

From the designs index page, you are able to easily see which multivariate experiments you have created and what their current statuses are.

Open a MVT design in the ad builder

Select any design project's thumbnail to open that design in the ad builder.

Create a new MVT design using templates

  1. Select Create New from the top right corner in the experiment index page.

  2. Scroll through the available templates on the page

  3. To use a template, hover on the thumbnail and select 'Use this template'

  4. You will be automatically redirected to the ad builder.

Create a new MVT design from scratch

  1. Select Create New from the top right corner in the experiment index page.

  2. Select Start with a Blank from the top right corner in the template page or select the first item in the template grid

  3. You will be automatically redirected to the ad builder.

Additional Options of a Design

  • Clone & Edit: Duplicate the design project and open it in the Ad Builder

  • Delete: Delete the design project

Draft Campaign Page Overview

Once you have finished creating an experiment, you are able to link your design to one or more draft campaigns. Campaigns consist of a designs + all of the creatives from that design as well as all of the information needed to launch that campaign live. You are able to swap the design creatives or edit the launch settings at any time before you launch the campaign to Meta Ads Manager.

Create a new draft campaign

  1. Click the Launch button in the main left navigation or from the draft campaign page, click Create new campaign button on the top

  2. Choose a design

  3. Choose a platform

  4. Choose a campaign type

Then you will land on the launcher settings page. Even you don't finish the launch process, the campaign info will be saved automatically. You can access the saved campaign from the draft campaign page.

Additional Options for Draft Campaigns

  • Edit: Open the draft campaign and edit settings, view creative, or swap creative

  • Delete: Delete the draft campaign

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