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How to take your Enriched Feed design and bring it into your marketing platform

Austin Alexander avatar
Written by Austin Alexander
Updated over 6 months ago

Getting Live

If you're just starting out here is what you will need to do to start running enriched catalog ads.

Create an output feed

  1. Navigate to output feeds from the designs section of the platform

  2. Click new output feed

  3. Make sure multi-treatment is selected

  4. Name your output feed

  5. Click create

Setup Treatments

In the new output feed you will need to create a treatment for each design or group of designs that you intend to use in ads.

  1. Click New Treatment

  2. Select a design (or multiple if they are intended to go together for multiple product sets)

  3. Continue to add the designs

  4. Repeat steps until all treatments are setup

Connect to Meta Catalog

Copy paste the output feed URL into your Meta Catalog OR use the "Connected Catalog" feature in Marpipe to connect directly.

  1. Click connected catalogs from the output feed page

  2. Sign in to Meta

  3. Click "Upload to a Catalog"

  4. Select your business account

  5. Select a catalog

  6. Click upload

  7. Click continue

  8. Click through to the catalog from the link so that you can monitor the upload progress

Assign Ads

  1. Wait for enriched feed to upload to Meta catalog

  2. Make sure that there are catalog ads setup in your ad account

  3. Go to the output feed page in Marpipe

  4. Click assign ads

  5. Select your ad account

  6. Select a campaign with ads that you want to run enriched treatments in

  7. Select a catalog ad

  8. Click add treatment

  9. Click assign

  10. Repeat steps for all intended ads

  11. Click save changes

  12. In ads manager view the ad preview to make sure your treatments show up

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